Oct 2, 2013

Late Summer Flower Garden Shoot

The late summer garden is so beautiful!  I've been taking these pictures over the last few weeks, and just wanted to share them with you!

The love-lies-bleeding amaranth is looking so beautiful and graceful.

The dahlia bed has also been great this year.  Now, I just have to remember to dig up the tubers after the first frost!

The squash arbor didn't do so well this year (I should have watered it a bit more, my bad).  We did get a few spaghetti and buttercup squashes, though. 

Warning: dahlia pictures ahead.  They are gorgeous!

Our dinnerplate white dahlia's were amazing this year.  As you can see, this dahlia is a good 10 to 11 inches across - and many of the white dahlia's were even bigger! 

The stargazer lilies smell as delicious as they look.

The morning glory vine has taken over this trellis in the vegetable garden.

The pink morning glories are my favorite.

This light pink hollyhock is now well over eight feel tall.  And it has been flowering all summer!

The datura is going crazy.

The gladiolus' bloomed quite late this year!

The wildflower garden keeps blooming and blooming!

This is my most favorite nasturtium ever - "Peach Melba."

The cosmos grew from seed this year.

A glorious pink wrinkled poppy.

A sunflower just about ready to open.

A little spot in the vegetable garden where I planted a love-lies-bleeding, pink zinnias and cilantro.  The cilantro is gone to flower, with the delicate little white blossoms.  Beautiful!

Another sunflower head, getting ready open.

This stargazer lily was just going crazy.

This is a mystery flower.  I have no idea what it is.  Any suggestions?  It just popped up this late summer in one of the perennial gardens.  The stem has no leaves, and there are four open flowers at the top, and several unopened buds as well.  The whole thing is about 20 inches tall.  I would love some help in identifying this flower!

The foxgloves finally decided to bloom as well.

And this phlox!  I couldn't believe how gorgeous this pholx was!  It was blooming right in with the regular pink phlox.  I am not sure if it is supposed to look like this though?

The hydrangea's are still blooming.

And the monarda as well.

The borage has been blooming all summer.

And I loved this hollyhock!

It is hard to imagine how much of a true-blue color this delphinium is.  I believe the variety is called "Sky Blue."

The zinnia's are going crazy.

Thanks for joining me on my walk through the garden!

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